SB Post is a pre-sandblasted, stainless steel dental post used in strengthening endodontically treated teeth that have partially or completely missing crowns. In addition to retention by longitudinal and horizontal grooves, the SB Post has a sandblasted surface for maximum adhesion between the metal post and cementing resin. Stainless steel construction provides high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength. SB Post is available in 20 sizes.
1. Easy placement: Peeso reamers should be used to prepare the canal prior to SB Post cementation. SB Posts have been designed to have a diameter
slightly smaller than that of the post hole made by a Peeso reamer of the same SB Post number. This provides for easy cementation of the SB Post into the
root canal and eliminates the need to thread the canal walls.
2. Smooth displacement of excess cement: When the SB Post is inserted into the root canal, excess cement is smoothly displaced along the longitudinal
grooves in the SB Post’s surfaces. This minimizes undesirable floating action of the post as well as the danger of root fracture due to hydraulic pressure.
3. Root canal shape: Considering root shape, the apical configuration of SB Post has been tapered to minimize stress of the root apex
Clinical Procedures
1. Endodontic treatment: Endodontic treatment is carried out in the usual manner. A non-eugenol sealer is preferred
2. Preparation of root canal: The endodontic filling material is removed from the root canal with Peeso reamers starting with the reamer of the smallest
diameter. The root canal is cleaned to the same length as that of the clinical crown or 2/3 of the root length.
3. Choice of SB Posts: Choose SB Posts of suitable diameter and length based on the size determined by the Peeso reamer. Use lock-type tweezers for
handling SB Posts.
4. Fitting of SB Posts: Fit the selected SB Posts into the prepared root canals and adjust their length if needed. While holding the post, cut away excess post
length from the apex with a finishing disc or cutting pliers.
5. Cementation of posts: Seating of Post – SB Post should be cemented into the prepared canal with the cement of choice. Excess cement should be applied
to the exposed post and coronal tooth structure.
6. Build-up: After the post is cemented, the tooth can be built-up with a material of choice at the clinician’s discretion.
J Morita