Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- Porter Brown Scavenging System
Has four tubes – two ports on each side, mask within mask bearing the name “Brown".
Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- Porter Clean Air Scavenging System
Has tube inside tube and wings or vacuum sweeps to draw off excess gas.
Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- Matrx Scavenging System
Has spiral, white tubing.
Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- Matrx Scavenging System
Has one smooth, white tube on each side.
Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- McKesson Scavenging System
Has clear mask and one tube on each side.
Personal Inhaler Plus+ Nasal Masks- Accutron ClearView Scavenging System
Has four tubes - two ports on each side, colored and scented mask within clear outer mask.
X-ray compatible system
Steam sterilize circuit
White finish complements clinical environment
Accommodates most flowmeter brands
PIP+ Scavenging Circuit II Includes: Scavenging Circuit with Vacuum Control Valve, Corrugated Tube, Reservoir Bag, and Complimentary PIP+™ Single-Use Nasal Masks
PIP+Scavenging Circuit I Includes: Scavenging Circuit with Vacuum Control Valve and complimentary PIP+™Single-Use Nasal Masks
PIP+Scavenging Circuit - Reprocessable: The ADA recommends using sterilizable scavenging circuits. Keep extra tubing components on hand in order to sterilize after every patient.
PIP+ Adaptor Easy Order Guide
Accutron Personal Inhaler Plus+™ Nasal Masks connect effortlessly to Accutron™ Scavenging Circuit I (33008 & 33010) and Scavenging Circuit II (32007 & 32009). They also connect easily to any brand of scavenging system. To order an adaptor, please look for these identifying features and note the Accutron™ order number.