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Biohazard & Medical Waste Supplies- Disposal Containers

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Product Name
Isolyser/SMS SRS 800-Sharps Self-disposal System
0 .8 liter Twin pack- 1 per case
Isolyser/SMS 2400- Sharps Self-disposal System
3 liter- 1 per case 
Isolyser/SMS 4000- Sharps Self-disposal System
5.8 liter- 1per case 
Isolyser/SMS 10000- Sharps Self-disposal System
10 liter- 1 per case
Isolyser/SMSm 2400- Sharps mail-back System
3 liter Twin Pack- 1 per pack
Isolyser/SMSm 4000- Sharps mail-back System
5.8 liter-1per case
Isolyser/SMS m 10000- Sharps mail-back System
10 liter- 1 per case
Isolyser/SMSm 5g- Full sharps mail-back System
5 gallon- 1/case- Red
Isolyser/SMS m 18g- Full sharps mail-back System
18 gallon- 1/case- Red
1 gallon amalgam recycling kit
1 gallon amalgam per case
5 gallon amalgam recycling kit
5 gallon amalgam- 1 per case 
lead foil recycling kit- Foilgon
1per case- Holds up to 7 pounds
Chemgon Fixer & Developer Treatment and disposal System- Chemgon 5
5 gallon- 1per case
Chemgon Fixer & Developer Treatment and Disposal System- Chemgon 2.5
1per case- 2.5 gallon
Aldex aldehyde Management System -neutralize & solidify- AMS 1010
 1per case- Treats 10 gal./ case
Aldex aldehyde Management System -neutralize & solidify- AMS 3010
1per case- Treats 45 gal./ case
Aldex aldehyde Management System -neutralize & solidify - Aldex AMSGL 1
1per case- Each 8oz bottle treats1 gallon
Aldex aldehyde Management System -neutralize & solidify- AMSGL 15
1per/case- Each 1 gal. bottle treats 16 gallons
Aldex aldehyde Management System -neutralize & solidify- AMSGL 825
1per case- 51.5 gal. drum treats 825 gallons
Isolyser/SMS and /SMSm Wall Mount Unite for 2400
1per case- for 2400
Isolyser/SMS and /SMSm Wall Mount Unite
1per case- for 4000
Isolyser/SMS and /SMSm Wall Mount Unite
 1per case-  for 800
Anesthetic Carpule Disposal- RXGONm
1per case- Disposal of Non-controlled, Non-hazardous Pharmaceutical waste


Isolyser SMSm Mail Back Disposal System for sharps and other approved waste eliminates the need for a pick-up service. Place needles and other sharps in the provided container and ship back to our facility with the provided box.

  • Everything you need to collect, treat and dispose of sharps waste is included; no need for additional waste pick up
  • 18 gallon sizes available for mail back disposal of Red Bag medical waste or full Red sharps containers

Amalgon Amalgam Recycling System contains everything you need to collect, ship and recycle mercury-contaminated items. Once the provided container is full, use the provided materials to package it and ship in the provided box with a prepaid UPS label.

  • No sorting required; contact and noncontact amalgam are placed in the same container
  • Chairside traps, vacuum filters, screens, capsules, amalgam-contaminated teeth and scrap amalgam can all be placed directly in the container
  • Contents recycled at authorized recycling center
  • Follows ADA’s established Best Management Practice for the management of amalgam-contaminated items
  • Meets all federal hazardous waste disposal laws

The ALDEX Aldehyde Disposal System AMS3010 is a crystal solution that neutralizes aldehydes such as 10% Formalin and 4% Glutaraldehyde at a 1:16 ratio, rendering them non-hazardous. This 1000 g product treats 7.5 gallons of aldehyde waste and offers a very cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative to hazardous waste collection and disposal. Once neutralized, the resultant end-product can be safely disposed of down the drain or in regular trash. It reduces exposure to chemicals, simplifies waste management processes, and further reduces the chemical footprint of an organization.

  • Disposal in trash or drain
  • Easy-to-use process
  • Reduces hazardous waste costs
  • Environmentally friendly solution
  • Reduces chemical exposure risks
  • Neutralizes aldehydes safely
  • Each bottle treats 7.5 gallons of aldehyde
  • Supports CESQG compliance

Anesthetic Carpule Disposal

  • Used to dispose of full or partially-full anesthetic carpules
  • Easy and cost effective way of properly disposing of pharmaceutical waste
  • Includes pre-paid shipping, treatment and disposal

Waste and Compliance Management Inc. (WCM)

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