Universal Bond Bond (A/B 5.0ml each)- Estecem II Universal Paste (A/B 2.3ml/4.7g each)- 25 Disposable applicator brush (fine)- 15 Disposable double-dimple mixing well- 15 Cement mixing tips- 5 Mini mixing tips (S)- 5 Nozzle for mini mixing tips
EsteCem II Paste -Universal
Estecem II Paste -Clear
Estecem II Paste -Brown
Estecem II Paste- White Opaque
Cement Mixing Tip
Nozzle for Mini Mixing Tip
Mini Mixing Tip Small
EsteCem II offers the higher bond strength found in DC resin cements allowing compatibility with all restorative materials. When used with Tokuyama Universal Bond, EsteCem II provides a quick application that is less technique sensitive comparable to SA resin cements.
Cementation of retentive and non-retentive surfaces
Cementation of crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays made of glass/oxide ceramics (porcelain, zirconia and alumina), metals/alloys (precious and non-precious) and resin materials including inorganic filler (composite materials)
Cementation of veneers
Cementation of adhesion bridges
Cementation of metal or resin cores, metal or glass-fiber posts
Repair of fractured porcelain fused to metal crowns and all ceramic restorations
Enhanced Strength: Superior self-etch adhesion to retentive and non-retentive surfaces
Universal Application: All restorative materials, one system — no activators or primers required
Quick Clean-Up: 3-second tack cure, easy clean-up
High Esthetics: Excellent resistance to marginal discoloration due to minimal water absorption