Cerinate Prime is a one bottle, no-mix organosilane, ceramic primer. Research has shown it to increase and enhance the bond between composite resin and porcelain. It can be used in enhancing the bond of Lumineers with Ultra-Bond Plus, as well as all composite resin luting cements with porcelain veneers. It also plays an important role in porcelain repair after the porcelain surface has been microabraded or etched with a porcelain etching agent like Porcelock Porcelain Etchant. As a ceramic primer, Cerinate Prime allows the clinician to create a high strength chemical bond between porcelain and composite that is microleakage free.
Porcelain Conditioner is a citric acid pretreatment to activate and hydrolyze Cerinate Prime ceramic primer. The use of Porcelain Conditioner as a pretreatment combined with the use of a silane ceramic primer, Cerinate Prime, improves the durability of the porcelain-composite resin bond both in the bonding of all-ceramic restorations and for porcelain repair.
Cerinate Prime offers:
- enhanced bonds between composite resin and porcelain
- enhanced bonds of Lumineers
- microleakage-free bonds
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